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Roadway - Transit Enhancements San Pablo Road (Beach Boulevard to Atlantic Boulevard)


Reconstruction of the existing roadway from a two-lane to a three-lane, divided urban section from Beach Boulevard to Crystal Cove Drive and from Osprey Point Drive to Atlantic Boulevard. These sections will include raised medians, utility improvements, a closed drainage system, bike lanes, sidewalks, and stormwater ponds. From Crystal Cove to Osprey Point Drive, the roadway will be resurfaced with the addition of shoulders, left-turn and right-turn lanes for site access and continuity of the sidewalks. The project involves a complete overhaul of the stormwater collection and conveyance system on the corridor and realignment adding new turn lanes to reduce queuing and improve traffic flow. The design for these improvements is primarily based on addressing safety and drainage improvements.

Ribbon Cutting Video

Project Renderings

001 | 002 | 003 | 004 | 005 | 006


Project Phase 3B - Final Phase

As the contractor completes the project overall construction improvements this month some minor touch ups and clean may can be anticipated for a week or two, this activity will be performed without the need to close any lanes or restrict traffic during daytime hours. The final inspections and acceptance for all construction items will commence once the contractor advises that they are complete with all work. The minor punch list items being addressed are typical for any project of this size. The JTA and City of Jacksonville final acceptance does require that the contractor address all deficient items we identify and restore all work and storage areas affected by the construction. The project schedule for the next week is still extremely heavy to ensure the construction and realignment is completed on schedule.

Final activation of the new streetlights by JEA may also be delayed as the storms affecting Florida this year have had an impact on all electrical work and material supplies. JEA will be activating the new additional streetlights as soon as possible once construction is complete.

Project Phase Construction – Phase 3B

Upcoming Work

Work planned for 12-23-24 through 1-10-25

  • Final sod placement. Nights - 12/19 & 12/20.
  • Asphalt placement for final course complete on 12/19.
  • Striping for final configuration as asphalt is placed.
  • Concrete for damaged sidewalk replacements - 12/21.
  • Complete new street signs installations - 12/19 & 12/20.
  • Material removal at JEA Easement area. Ongoing to 1/10.
  • Final Light pole and luminaire installations.
  • Fiber and signal connections - 12/20.
  • Handrail installations - 12/18-12/21.
  • Punchlist work to address deficient items.


  • No construction work with the exception of lean up will be performed during the holiday week of Dec 23rd to Dec 27th.
  • Daytime lane shifts will be utilized along with night operations.


The project will reduce traffic congestion and provide safety enhancements for motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians.



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