Service Enhancements for JTA Bus Routes, First Coast Flyer Begin January 27, 2025 - Click here to read more.
closeThe scope of the Alta Drive roadway improvements will include the widening of the existing roadway to a six-lane, divided roadway from the I-295 exit to Faye Road, a four-lane divided roadway to Ashgrove Road and a five-lane roadway to Burkit Lane. The project will also feature bike lanes, sidewalks and a closed drainage system.
The bridge over Dunn Creek will be restriped to accommodate the four (4) lanes of traffic that will be accommodated by the existing bridge. There will be a new or upgraded signal installed at Faye Road and Port Jacksonville Parkway.
Construction - Work began 3/15/2021
Work planned for next two weeks – 11-13-23 through 12-03-2023.
Now that the project widening is complete an additional improvement to the sidewalks for the existing Running Branch Bridge will be completed this month. The work will require closing the outside lane in each direction on the Running Branch Bridge just north of Port Jacksonville Parkway. This work is anticipated to be completed in 3 weeks.
Single Lane Closures are to be expected daily northbound and southbound on Alta Dr. to complete some final items.
This project will increase roadway capacity, reduce congestion and provide a safer facility.