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Mobility Corridor - Complete Streets Normandy Boulevard-Cassat Avenue-Lenox Avenue Corridor


The corridors program was intended to strike a balance between all the functions of a street putting people and quality of place first with the fundamental recognition that street can play a major role in improving public health and community livability. In order to achieve these outcomes, corridor improvements considered how pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit users serve as partners in mobility, each contributing to a community’s quality of life.

Mobility Corridors were divided into two concurrent efforts: Transit Enhancements and Complete Streets.

Transit Enhancements included improvements to existing bus stops within a quarter-mile of 14 high-frequency transit corridors. Improvements focused on ADA accessibility and improved amenities, including concrete pads, shelters, benches, trash receptacles, and immediate sidewalk connectivity.

Complete Streets includes improvements to right-of-way within a quarter-mile of 14 high-frequency transit corridors aimed at providing safe access for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit riders of all ages and abilities. Improvements include bike lanes, lighting, roadway reconfiguration, and sidewalks.



Transit Enhancements:  Completed on May 25, 2016.

Complete Streets: Lenox Avenue

  • Final design is complete.



These projects provide a safe, comfortable and convenient environment for walkers and cyclists, many of whom are trying to directly access JTA’s system. In addition, these improvements support “placemaking” opportunities in areas to support community redevelopment and revitalization.
